By Terrance Vestal Sun-News reporter
Posted: 02/25/2010 04:44:45 AM MST
SILVER CITY - The Silver City Town Council unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday calling for the ban of animal trapping on New Mexico public lands.
Silver City resident Walter "Ski" Szymanski brought the issue before the council, pointing out that trapping through the use of steel-jaw traps, kill-type traps, snare traps and modified versions of such traps is allowed on public lands and, by law, can be hidden and unmarked, which poses a danger to pets and those who recreate in these areas.
Even if an intended animal is caught, these traps cause unnecessary and inhumane injuries to animals, Szymanski said.
Szymanski said, according to the research he has done, hidden traps are permitted as close as one-quarter mile from an established public campground, roadside rest area or picnic area.
Councilor Steve May, who sponsored the proposed resolution, said if Silver City wanted to promote itself as an "eco tourist destination," the town would have to take a stand against trapping.
"The ranchers and farmers -- they can do what they want to on their private land, that's their business," May said. "The public lands are our business."
Mayor James Marshall and Councilor Simon Wheaton-Smith both said, at first glance, the issue didn't seem to have much to do with the town. But the economic angle caught their attention.
"We promote ourselves nationally and internationally to bring people here, we invite them here and this makes it dangerous for visitors," Marshall said.
Wheaton-Smith said he also took the issue of culling into account as he mulled over the trapping topic.
"And while there might be a need to cull, there is no need to do it in a cruel or an inhumane way," Wheaton-Smith said.
Councilor Cynthia Ann Bettison said she recalled a few years ago an incident that gained national attention after a Silver City man found an animal trapped on Bureau of Land Management land. She said the man killed the animal, thinking it was the most humane thing to do in the situation, and then the state Fish and Wildlife Department tried to claim he was tampering with traps.
Jene Moseley, a Grant County resident who lives just outside Silver City, said she has lost two dogs and two cats to traps and her neighbors have suffered similar incidents as well.
The resolution, which has no legal implications, passed unanimously.
In other business, Marshall said he wanted to remind the council and the public that a special legislative session would start Monday in Santa Fe. He said he has seen new proposed options regarding the "hold-harmless" provision on gross receipts tax on food and some medical services that would try to shift tax burdens back to counties and municipalities. The option calls for the state to do away with the provision, which would mean about $1.2 million for Silver City annually, while allowing municipalities to raise their own taxes to make up the difference.
"They want to put the 'tortilla tax' on municipalities," Marshall said, referring to the controversial move to tax some foods. "But they shouldn't be trying to balance the state budget on our backs."
Marshall said those legislators from the Silver City/Grant County area have consistently supported keeping the hold-harmless provision intact.
Terrance Vestal can be reached at (575) 538-5893 ext. 5803.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Auckland to Increase Animal Cruelty Penalties
In light of studies that show a link between animal and human violence, NZ to increase penalties for animal cruelty
Click on title above for original story
Click on title above for original story
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Cat "holocaust" case dismissed in Nevada
Seattle Pet Laws Examiner
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
More than two years ago, Animal Control officers for Nye County (NV) took control of a "shelter" located in the town of Pahrump. Given the appalling conditions of the facility and the state of care of the cats, some have described this facility as an "Auschwitz for cats."
The "facility" was owned and operated by "For the Love of Cats and Kittens", and was known simply as FLOCK, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
The "facility" consisted of a large sandy lot surrounded by a tall fence with a few small buildings inside. According to rescuers, cats were everywhere. Since FLOCK had failed to provide the cats with almost any type of protection from Nevada's brutal summer temperatures and bitter cold winters. For example, most cats had no indoor access or any way to get away from strong desert winds, rainstorms or snow. As a consequence, rescuers found some cats crowded under the few bushes on the lot or into the few buildings to avoid the 110 degree plus temperatures.
Animal Control officers and rescuers found dead cats; cats dying from starvation and dehydration. It was impossible to walk without stepping on feces or vomit. Because the cats were not separated, there was no way to control the spread of disease or prevent territorial disputes. As results, rescuers also found ill and seriously injured cats with open wounds (some even had eyes hanging out of their sockets or completely missing). All the cats were covered with flies and maggots. Needless to say, many, if not most, were very frightened and alone. After months of care from Best Friends, most of the surviving cats have been adopted. The rest remain in Best Friends' sanctuary.
Employees and volunteers for Best Friends Animal Society, a Utah-based shelter, who were called to care for the cats, named the facility "The Dump".
After Animal Control convinced the owners of FLOCK to surrender ownership and custody of the facility, more than 700 cats had to be placed under the custody of the county. These, in turn, were placed in the care of Best Friends. The owners also agreed to lease the facility to the county so it could be cleaned up. Cats would also be cared for on-site until they were in better condition and could be placed for adoption.
Nye County then filed charges of animal neglect against FLOCK for failure to provide food, water and veterinary care. These are misdemeanor crimes each punishable by a minimum jail term of 2 days to a maximum of 6 months, as well as 48 to 120 hours of community service, and fines from $200 to $1,000.
In its defense, FLOCK claimed that most of the cats were feral and had been brought to the facility after being trapped in Las Vegas. Of course, that didn't explain the state of the facility and the neglect and abuse imposed upon the cats. In any event, it turns out that some of the cats had been someone's animal companion since they had micro-chips. Apparently, FLOCK had made no effort to identify the owners of the micro-chipped cats.
At the time of these events, Maggie Ward was president of Flock, a position she had acquired in May, 2007. The prior president, Sherri Allen, maintains the place was in great condition when she left in May and only deteriorated after she left. However, when sheriff's deputies went to Allen's house to interview her about the situation at FLOCK, they found 125 cats living in filth, sick and starving. One investigator described there was feces on every surface in Allen's house. The sheriff's department seized these cats as well and placed them under the care of the county's Animal Control. The county initiated a forfeiture hearing to obtain ownership of the cats and the judge ordered the cats surrendered to the county. The District Attorney then filed a complaint charging Sheri Allen with 13 counts of animal cruelty. Allen eventually pleaded guilty to one count. She was not, however, ordered to stay away from animals, nor was she ordered to pay for any of the cost of the veterinary and other care of the animals after they were forfeited. Needless to say, she also did not volunteer to do so.
One animal behavior consultant who was first on the scene and cared for the cats for months afterward stated that:
"I [first] entered FLOCK [in July, 2007] through an unfinished building that contained 17 cats. Those cats are living inside. All are underweight, show signs of starvation and malnutrition, and most have signs of illness, particularly upper respiratory infections, skin conditions, wounds, and diarrhea. The litter boxes were all soaked with urine and filled with diarrhea. At least one male cat is intact. [T]he back yard [hosts] the largest [cat colony] I have ever seen. Hundreds of cats live together. I quickly realized that the ground is covered in feces. Some had been raked into piles but not removed. Hundreds of pounds of feces remained on the ground in this yard. The cats I saw were all underweight. There were flies everywhere. The flies in the yard were swarming on the cats' runny eyes, noses, wounds and the visible diarrhea There were also maggots everywhere including in the cats' runny eyes, noses, wounds and visible diarrhea. ...I looked into the small shed like buildings that are in the back yard. ...The sheds or buildings are filled with flies, feces and vomit. The cats in most of these buildings were inside by choice because evaporative coolers were running inside, but I understand they were not turned on this summer until very recently. The temperature during my visit was around 114 degrees F[ahrenheit] each day. There are 2 cat doors to the buildings. I watched as cats lay in the cat doors, blocking entry access to other cats. Most of the cats are in the yard and are desperate for shade. There is just no adequate shelter for them. ... There is one building labeled Hospital. I entered to see almost 20 cats running free in the building. There are cats in cages as well. There were filthy litter boxes soaked with urine, diarrhea, flies, and vomit. I asked about medical care and I was told most of these cats had not seen a veterinarian. Untrained volunteers and staff including a 16 year old girl were prescribing, administering and changing medications. Staff and volunteers spoke of disagreeing about vet care and hiding from each other what they do medically. ... Cats died while I was there. ... Many of the cats in the yard look as ill as the cats in the hospital building. Approximately 85% of the cats are showing signs of sickness, and almost every cat is underweight and shows signs of starvation and malnutrition. I saw chronic upper respiratory, drooling, skin conditions, and various wounds which were covered in flies and maggots. One cat had his right eye hanging out of the socket. None of these medical issues had been diagnosed let alone treated. I saw no measures to control diseases. There is no proof of vaccines on this cat colony. When I asked about records for the cats, I received multiple answers ranging from every cat had a record but they were stolen to we never really had a database. While I was there, I saw mounds of feces and vomit everywhere. There did not appear to be routine cleaning or sanitation at all inside any of the buildings or outside in the yard. ... I understand about 100 cats froze to death last winter, and the shelter during this summer of 100 degree plus temperatures is very inadequate or nonexistent for many of the cats. ... The Board members whom I met with showed no concern about these horrific conditions. This leads me to believe this situation is not new nor is it worse than things that have happened in their past. "
Another rescuer stated:
"It was extremely hot [when I was there]. As I walked around the place FLOCK called a "sanctuary" for the first time, I heard the cats trying to breathe. They were all trying to grab every inch of shade they could find, and I could hear the panting, the trouble they had breathing. Every cat was panting and their body temperatures were in the danger zones. .... All of the cats I saw then had upper respiratory infections with gunky eyes and noses. There would be maggots in their eyes and noses and flies swarming. .... The smell was just unbelievably bad. There were feces everywhere. You could not find a place to step without stepping on cat feces. The buildings were also full of cat feces. The buildings were filthy. Obviously, cleaning was not part of FLOCK's agenda. The buildings are made of plywood that can't really be cleaned. The wood is covered with cat mucus, feces. We have tried to power wash it, and the boards come apart. We have used putty knives. We can't get the building walls clean. They are contaminated..... Also, there were flies everywhere. You could not open your mouth inside the buildings or flies would swarm in. The flies also covered the cats. The sicker cats couldn't shake off the flies and so they would be covered in them and maggots too. ... I was really blown away by the extreme emaciation and dehydration of so many of the cats. You could put your fingers around the cat and feel the other side. You could put one side of the cat's body against the other side, that's how extremely emaciated they were. .... The cats' noses were so clogged and crusted, they probably couldn't smell to find whatever food there was. Also, the cats would just get into these crazy sneezing frenzies to the point they would get bloody noses. .... It was clear there was no control of disease there. The first time we did intake, we used a building called Cozy. There were 27 cats in there. We found all were positive for diseases like FIV or Feline Leukemia. There had been no effort to separate cats with contagious diseases, and these diseases just spread through the colony. Also, Feline leukemia spread through cat feces. It is easy to prevent yet it is obvious it was allowed to spread through this colony. Feline Leukemia leaves them with weak immune systems. There was also tapeworm, ring worm among the cats. ... I saw blood and mucus in the food bowls. The cats would go into sneezing frenzies and leave mucus and blood and other cats would then eat out of the bowls. These cats were all housed together in one yard with just a few flimsy buildings. There was no socialization, and cats can't live basically alone together like this in one area. Also, there was not nearly enough housing or room. Only about 10-15 cats could live in one of those buildings. ... The cats all have ear mites as well as upper respiratory infections. I have seen many sunburned on their coats and ears. The cats were not receiving just basic veterinary care. There was only one small building used for a hospital. As an example, there was a cat there we called Tom Thumb. He had a hole in his neck that he kept trying to scratch. It turned out he had ear mites which made him want to scratch the hole in his neck. When treated for the mites, he stopped scratching and the hole healed. He suffered for a long time because basic care was lacking. The suffering I saw there just blew me away. I couldn't believe it. And I was there after Katrina when cats were pulled out of flooded homes and streets after starving for weeks. This was worse, much worse."
The case was to go to trial on February 11th. Instead, Judge Kent Jasperson dismissed the case before it could even begin. Refusing a request from the prosecutors to continue the case, Judge Jasperson ruled that FLOCK itself could not be named as a defendant and pointing out the individual directors and officers had only been named and served the day before.
According to the prosecutor, an appeal will be filed.
As of today, FLOCK's website can still be found on the web and still requests donations.
For more info: FLOCK:; Best Friends:; Animal Law Coalition:; EcoStar Law, PLLC:
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
More than two years ago, Animal Control officers for Nye County (NV) took control of a "shelter" located in the town of Pahrump. Given the appalling conditions of the facility and the state of care of the cats, some have described this facility as an "Auschwitz for cats."
The "facility" was owned and operated by "For the Love of Cats and Kittens", and was known simply as FLOCK, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
The "facility" consisted of a large sandy lot surrounded by a tall fence with a few small buildings inside. According to rescuers, cats were everywhere. Since FLOCK had failed to provide the cats with almost any type of protection from Nevada's brutal summer temperatures and bitter cold winters. For example, most cats had no indoor access or any way to get away from strong desert winds, rainstorms or snow. As a consequence, rescuers found some cats crowded under the few bushes on the lot or into the few buildings to avoid the 110 degree plus temperatures.
Animal Control officers and rescuers found dead cats; cats dying from starvation and dehydration. It was impossible to walk without stepping on feces or vomit. Because the cats were not separated, there was no way to control the spread of disease or prevent territorial disputes. As results, rescuers also found ill and seriously injured cats with open wounds (some even had eyes hanging out of their sockets or completely missing). All the cats were covered with flies and maggots. Needless to say, many, if not most, were very frightened and alone. After months of care from Best Friends, most of the surviving cats have been adopted. The rest remain in Best Friends' sanctuary.
Employees and volunteers for Best Friends Animal Society, a Utah-based shelter, who were called to care for the cats, named the facility "The Dump".
After Animal Control convinced the owners of FLOCK to surrender ownership and custody of the facility, more than 700 cats had to be placed under the custody of the county. These, in turn, were placed in the care of Best Friends. The owners also agreed to lease the facility to the county so it could be cleaned up. Cats would also be cared for on-site until they were in better condition and could be placed for adoption.
Nye County then filed charges of animal neglect against FLOCK for failure to provide food, water and veterinary care. These are misdemeanor crimes each punishable by a minimum jail term of 2 days to a maximum of 6 months, as well as 48 to 120 hours of community service, and fines from $200 to $1,000.
In its defense, FLOCK claimed that most of the cats were feral and had been brought to the facility after being trapped in Las Vegas. Of course, that didn't explain the state of the facility and the neglect and abuse imposed upon the cats. In any event, it turns out that some of the cats had been someone's animal companion since they had micro-chips. Apparently, FLOCK had made no effort to identify the owners of the micro-chipped cats.
At the time of these events, Maggie Ward was president of Flock, a position she had acquired in May, 2007. The prior president, Sherri Allen, maintains the place was in great condition when she left in May and only deteriorated after she left. However, when sheriff's deputies went to Allen's house to interview her about the situation at FLOCK, they found 125 cats living in filth, sick and starving. One investigator described there was feces on every surface in Allen's house. The sheriff's department seized these cats as well and placed them under the care of the county's Animal Control. The county initiated a forfeiture hearing to obtain ownership of the cats and the judge ordered the cats surrendered to the county. The District Attorney then filed a complaint charging Sheri Allen with 13 counts of animal cruelty. Allen eventually pleaded guilty to one count. She was not, however, ordered to stay away from animals, nor was she ordered to pay for any of the cost of the veterinary and other care of the animals after they were forfeited. Needless to say, she also did not volunteer to do so.
One animal behavior consultant who was first on the scene and cared for the cats for months afterward stated that:
"I [first] entered FLOCK [in July, 2007] through an unfinished building that contained 17 cats. Those cats are living inside. All are underweight, show signs of starvation and malnutrition, and most have signs of illness, particularly upper respiratory infections, skin conditions, wounds, and diarrhea. The litter boxes were all soaked with urine and filled with diarrhea. At least one male cat is intact. [T]he back yard [hosts] the largest [cat colony] I have ever seen. Hundreds of cats live together. I quickly realized that the ground is covered in feces. Some had been raked into piles but not removed. Hundreds of pounds of feces remained on the ground in this yard. The cats I saw were all underweight. There were flies everywhere. The flies in the yard were swarming on the cats' runny eyes, noses, wounds and the visible diarrhea There were also maggots everywhere including in the cats' runny eyes, noses, wounds and visible diarrhea. ...I looked into the small shed like buildings that are in the back yard. ...The sheds or buildings are filled with flies, feces and vomit. The cats in most of these buildings were inside by choice because evaporative coolers were running inside, but I understand they were not turned on this summer until very recently. The temperature during my visit was around 114 degrees F[ahrenheit] each day. There are 2 cat doors to the buildings. I watched as cats lay in the cat doors, blocking entry access to other cats. Most of the cats are in the yard and are desperate for shade. There is just no adequate shelter for them. ... There is one building labeled Hospital. I entered to see almost 20 cats running free in the building. There are cats in cages as well. There were filthy litter boxes soaked with urine, diarrhea, flies, and vomit. I asked about medical care and I was told most of these cats had not seen a veterinarian. Untrained volunteers and staff including a 16 year old girl were prescribing, administering and changing medications. Staff and volunteers spoke of disagreeing about vet care and hiding from each other what they do medically. ... Cats died while I was there. ... Many of the cats in the yard look as ill as the cats in the hospital building. Approximately 85% of the cats are showing signs of sickness, and almost every cat is underweight and shows signs of starvation and malnutrition. I saw chronic upper respiratory, drooling, skin conditions, and various wounds which were covered in flies and maggots. One cat had his right eye hanging out of the socket. None of these medical issues had been diagnosed let alone treated. I saw no measures to control diseases. There is no proof of vaccines on this cat colony. When I asked about records for the cats, I received multiple answers ranging from every cat had a record but they were stolen to we never really had a database. While I was there, I saw mounds of feces and vomit everywhere. There did not appear to be routine cleaning or sanitation at all inside any of the buildings or outside in the yard. ... I understand about 100 cats froze to death last winter, and the shelter during this summer of 100 degree plus temperatures is very inadequate or nonexistent for many of the cats. ... The Board members whom I met with showed no concern about these horrific conditions. This leads me to believe this situation is not new nor is it worse than things that have happened in their past. "
Another rescuer stated:
"It was extremely hot [when I was there]. As I walked around the place FLOCK called a "sanctuary" for the first time, I heard the cats trying to breathe. They were all trying to grab every inch of shade they could find, and I could hear the panting, the trouble they had breathing. Every cat was panting and their body temperatures were in the danger zones. .... All of the cats I saw then had upper respiratory infections with gunky eyes and noses. There would be maggots in their eyes and noses and flies swarming. .... The smell was just unbelievably bad. There were feces everywhere. You could not find a place to step without stepping on cat feces. The buildings were also full of cat feces. The buildings were filthy. Obviously, cleaning was not part of FLOCK's agenda. The buildings are made of plywood that can't really be cleaned. The wood is covered with cat mucus, feces. We have tried to power wash it, and the boards come apart. We have used putty knives. We can't get the building walls clean. They are contaminated..... Also, there were flies everywhere. You could not open your mouth inside the buildings or flies would swarm in. The flies also covered the cats. The sicker cats couldn't shake off the flies and so they would be covered in them and maggots too. ... I was really blown away by the extreme emaciation and dehydration of so many of the cats. You could put your fingers around the cat and feel the other side. You could put one side of the cat's body against the other side, that's how extremely emaciated they were. .... The cats' noses were so clogged and crusted, they probably couldn't smell to find whatever food there was. Also, the cats would just get into these crazy sneezing frenzies to the point they would get bloody noses. .... It was clear there was no control of disease there. The first time we did intake, we used a building called Cozy. There were 27 cats in there. We found all were positive for diseases like FIV or Feline Leukemia. There had been no effort to separate cats with contagious diseases, and these diseases just spread through the colony. Also, Feline leukemia spread through cat feces. It is easy to prevent yet it is obvious it was allowed to spread through this colony. Feline Leukemia leaves them with weak immune systems. There was also tapeworm, ring worm among the cats. ... I saw blood and mucus in the food bowls. The cats would go into sneezing frenzies and leave mucus and blood and other cats would then eat out of the bowls. These cats were all housed together in one yard with just a few flimsy buildings. There was no socialization, and cats can't live basically alone together like this in one area. Also, there was not nearly enough housing or room. Only about 10-15 cats could live in one of those buildings. ... The cats all have ear mites as well as upper respiratory infections. I have seen many sunburned on their coats and ears. The cats were not receiving just basic veterinary care. There was only one small building used for a hospital. As an example, there was a cat there we called Tom Thumb. He had a hole in his neck that he kept trying to scratch. It turned out he had ear mites which made him want to scratch the hole in his neck. When treated for the mites, he stopped scratching and the hole healed. He suffered for a long time because basic care was lacking. The suffering I saw there just blew me away. I couldn't believe it. And I was there after Katrina when cats were pulled out of flooded homes and streets after starving for weeks. This was worse, much worse."
The case was to go to trial on February 11th. Instead, Judge Kent Jasperson dismissed the case before it could even begin. Refusing a request from the prosecutors to continue the case, Judge Jasperson ruled that FLOCK itself could not be named as a defendant and pointing out the individual directors and officers had only been named and served the day before.
According to the prosecutor, an appeal will be filed.
As of today, FLOCK's website can still be found on the web and still requests donations.
For more info: FLOCK:; Best Friends:; Animal Law Coalition:; EcoStar Law, PLLC:
Friday, February 19, 2010
Americas Healthy Food Initiatives: Meatless Mondays
How about we embark on a U.S. version of the UKs "Meatless Monday" Campaign?
Click on title above to check out this wonderful vid; best w/ speakers on.
Click on title above to check out this wonderful vid; best w/ speakers on.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Pet Connection Editor, Author, Breeder, RESCUER, Speaks Out Against Mandatory S&N Laws;
Cick on title above to go to original article, and see authors bio (below) as it appears on Pet Connection website;
Gina Spadafori
Gina Spadafori is Dr. Becker's writing partner, and as such coordinates all editorial content for the Pet Connection newspaper feature, for the Web site (where she is the lead blogger) and for the books and article co-authored with Dr. Marty Becker.
A long-time journalist and editor, Gina has been writing primarilly about pets and their care for almost 30 years.m as a syndicated columnist and author. The first edition of her top-selling book "Dogs For Dummies," was given the President's Award for the best writing on dogs and the Maxwell Medallion for the best general reference work, both by the DWAA.
Along with co-author Dr. Paul D. Pion, a top veterinary cardiologist, she was given the CWA's awards for the best work on feline nutrition, best work on feline behavior, and best work on responsible cat care for the top-selling" Cats For Dummies." The book was also named one of the 100 best feline moments in the 20th century by Cat Fancy magazine. With internationally recognized avian specialist Dr. Brian L. Speer, Gina has also written "Birds For Dummies," one of the best-selling books on pet birds ever written. Her books have been translated into many languages, including French, Serbian, Danish, Japanese and Russian. Gina has also headed one of the first and largest online pet care sites, the Pet Care Forum, America Online's founding source of pet-care information.
In 2007, she formed a partnership with Dr. Becker and the two have written nine (soon to be 11) books since.
Gina lives in Northern California on a suburban microfarm with dogs, cats and poultry.
BLOGGERS NOTE: dont it just figger, a breeder against breeding regs. What do you think motovates her mind? Same as the Big Bank$ters who oppose regulation of their industry is the motive my friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Dont be fooled by industry greed. Mandatory spay and nueter is A GOOD THING that will not stop breeders from breeding but will force them to breed less and more responsibly. The idea is to ensure that every new-born cat or dog is WANTED and has a home waiting for it when it is ready to be weaned. Potential new owners just might have to be put on a waiting list for their new pup or kitty, and that is a bad thing, why?
Gina Spadafori
Gina Spadafori is Dr. Becker's writing partner, and as such coordinates all editorial content for the Pet Connection newspaper feature, for the Web site (where she is the lead blogger) and for the books and article co-authored with Dr. Marty Becker.
A long-time journalist and editor, Gina has been writing primarilly about pets and their care for almost 30 years.m as a syndicated columnist and author. The first edition of her top-selling book "Dogs For Dummies," was given the President's Award for the best writing on dogs and the Maxwell Medallion for the best general reference work, both by the DWAA.
Along with co-author Dr. Paul D. Pion, a top veterinary cardiologist, she was given the CWA's awards for the best work on feline nutrition, best work on feline behavior, and best work on responsible cat care for the top-selling" Cats For Dummies." The book was also named one of the 100 best feline moments in the 20th century by Cat Fancy magazine. With internationally recognized avian specialist Dr. Brian L. Speer, Gina has also written "Birds For Dummies," one of the best-selling books on pet birds ever written. Her books have been translated into many languages, including French, Serbian, Danish, Japanese and Russian. Gina has also headed one of the first and largest online pet care sites, the Pet Care Forum, America Online's founding source of pet-care information.
In 2007, she formed a partnership with Dr. Becker and the two have written nine (soon to be 11) books since.
Gina lives in Northern California on a suburban microfarm with dogs, cats and poultry.
BLOGGERS NOTE: dont it just figger, a breeder against breeding regs. What do you think motovates her mind? Same as the Big Bank$ters who oppose regulation of their industry is the motive my friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Dont be fooled by industry greed. Mandatory spay and nueter is A GOOD THING that will not stop breeders from breeding but will force them to breed less and more responsibly. The idea is to ensure that every new-born cat or dog is WANTED and has a home waiting for it when it is ready to be weaned. Potential new owners just might have to be put on a waiting list for their new pup or kitty, and that is a bad thing, why?
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
USDA Addresses Vet Shortages with Education Program
USAgNet - 02/15/2010
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA had taken the first step toward implementing a plan to address veterinary shortages throughout rural America by repaying the student loans of qualified veterinarians in return for their services in areas suffering from a lack of veterinarians.
"USDA can help ensure there is a first line of defense against animal diseases across the United States by placing qualified veterinarians in areas where there is a critical need," Vilsack said. "This program will help reduce veterinary shortages, especially in the area of food animal medicine, which will reduce stress on producers and improve the health of the livestock industry."
USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture administers the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, which was established in the National Veterinary Medical Services Act of 2003. NIFA issued an interim rule for the program on July 9, 2009. Implementation of the program began on Jan. 22, 2010 when NIFA released a Federal Register notice asking for comments and nominations for shortage situations from the chief animal health official from each state and insular area and appropriate federal animal health officials. Guidance on what constitutes a shortage situation and nomination forms can be found on the NIFA Web site.
NIFA will convene a panel of federal and state animal health experts to recommend submitted nomination packages for official designation as a veterinary shortage situation. The public will be able to review designated veterinary shortage situations in list and/or map form, along with information describing the nature of the shortage situation.
The agency expects to begin accepting applications from veterinarians wishing to participate in the program on April 30, 2010.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA had taken the first step toward implementing a plan to address veterinary shortages throughout rural America by repaying the student loans of qualified veterinarians in return for their services in areas suffering from a lack of veterinarians.
"USDA can help ensure there is a first line of defense against animal diseases across the United States by placing qualified veterinarians in areas where there is a critical need," Vilsack said. "This program will help reduce veterinary shortages, especially in the area of food animal medicine, which will reduce stress on producers and improve the health of the livestock industry."
USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture administers the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, which was established in the National Veterinary Medical Services Act of 2003. NIFA issued an interim rule for the program on July 9, 2009. Implementation of the program began on Jan. 22, 2010 when NIFA released a Federal Register notice asking for comments and nominations for shortage situations from the chief animal health official from each state and insular area and appropriate federal animal health officials. Guidance on what constitutes a shortage situation and nomination forms can be found on the NIFA Web site.
NIFA will convene a panel of federal and state animal health experts to recommend submitted nomination packages for official designation as a veterinary shortage situation. The public will be able to review designated veterinary shortage situations in list and/or map form, along with information describing the nature of the shortage situation.
The agency expects to begin accepting applications from veterinarians wishing to participate in the program on April 30, 2010.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Dixie National Rodeo Draws Hundreds
3-legged dog wins 1st place in NYC shelter contest

In this photo released by the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), "Prince," a three legged pitbull mix is shown at the ASPCA's talent competition for shelter dogs, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010 in New York.
Robin Fostel/AP
Prince, who lost one leg and had a pin inserted in the other after being hit by a car, didn't let his handicap hold him back. Prince claimed first place in the competition by catching three baseballs with his jaws. Prince and the other eight dogs in the competition are available for adoption at the ASPCA in Manhattan. (AP Photo/ASPCA, Robin Fostel) NO SALES

In the photo above, released by the American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), "Stormy," a resident at the ASPCA animal shelter in New York City is joined by ASPCA Adoptions Representative Colleen Doherty, at the ASPCA's talent competition for shelter dogs, Friday, Feb. 12, 2010 in New York. Stormy and the other eight dogs in the competition are available for adoption at the ASPCA in Manhattan.
NEW YORK - A three-legged pitbull mix that played in a game of doggie baseball has won "Best in Show" at a talent competition held by one of New York City's largest animal shelters.
Nine dogs competed in Friday's contest at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. But it was Prince who impressed the judging panel the most with his feat of catching three baseballs.
The nearly 2-year-old dog lost one of his legs and had a pin inserted in another after being struck by a car.
The ASPCA's senior vice president of the adoption center says Prince's disability doesn't hold him back.
Gail Buchwald says he "struts his stuff like a winner."
Monday, February 8, 2010
Fight Factory Farm Cruelty / Support Yellow Tail Wine / a Petition
Click on title above to go to petition
Beautiful, Intelligent GSD Intentionally Dragged to Death Behind Truck

100,000 signatures collected to punish man who dragged dog to his death
January 29, 12:15 AM
Seattle Pet Laws Examiner
Jean-Pierre Ruiz
December 30th, 32-year old Melissa Lockhart allegedly stole 2 dogs from a pick up in Delta, Colorado. One of them, Buddy, would never make it home.
Lockhart allegedly drove Buddy to her brother, 37-year old Steven Clay Romero, and told him to get rid of the dog. Romero tied one end of a rope to Buddy's neck and the other to his pick-up. He then proceeded to drive through steep hills up and down Colorado National Monument near Grand Junction. After running after Romero's pick up for some 3 miles, Buddy fell exhausted and was dragged to his death. Romero cut the rope and drove away. Buddy was later found abandoned on a snowy road with a rope around his neck.
Romero and Lochart have both been arrested. Romero, who was arrested when he appeared in court on charges unrelated to this case, is charged with aggravated animal cruelty. Lockhart is charged with animal cruelty, felony theft and false-reporting.
The incident so incensed Gary Sherman that he started a website to gather signatures to ensure the maximum penalty is given to Romero. By the time he drove from his home in Colorado Springs to Grand Junction to deliver the petition, it had been signed by more than 100,000 people across the United States and 111 other countries. The petitioners are hoping that Romero gets the maximum sentence available of three years in jail, a $100,000 fine, and a one year probation.
Today, Romero pleaded not guilty and his trial is scheduled to take place on March 22nd in Denver. Meanwhile Lockhart, whose photo appears below, failed to appear in court. Nevertheless, prosecutors agreed on a personal recognizance bond so she remains free on a $5,000 unsecured bond assessed by US Magistrate Judge Laird Milburn. US Assistant Attorney Michelle Heldmyer offered no objection to the bond. She is scheduled to return to court on Monday for her arraignment.
For more info: Buddy's Law:
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Counter-Act Meat-Industry Boycott of Yellow-Tail Wine
Well the "cattle-growers" and meat industry folk are attempting a boycott of Yellow Tail Wines for their generous contribution to the United States Humane Society. They think the HSUS is out to do away with agriculture and I am no HSUS fan but like to give credit where credit is due.....they did a wonderful job of undercover investigations at Hallmark Meat Co in Calif a few years back. Not only are they trying to make "factory farming" more humane, they are also concerned with the safety of our food chain too. Who could have a problem with that?
Click on title above to go to Yello-Tails facebook page where the meat-guys (and gals) are giving them a terrible time) I am hoping we can counteract act that, and have left a comment of my own to re-assure Yellow-Tail that we are on their side and "got their backs."
Click on title above to go to Yello-Tails facebook page where the meat-guys (and gals) are giving them a terrible time) I am hoping we can counteract act that, and have left a comment of my own to re-assure Yellow-Tail that we are on their side and "got their backs."
Welfare Rancher Launches Boycott of HSUS Corporate Supporter

Yello-Tail, an Australian wine company, recently made a generous donation to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). Now I am no big supporter of theirs or of anyother "Big Mother" Org like PETA, SPCA, etc., but I do like to give credit where credit is due, and these orgs have produced some earth-shattering undercover video that did much to expose the plight of factory farmed animals. Not only are they helping to make farming more humane, but they are also helping to keep our food supply safe, and I am wondering who could be against either of those?
Apparently, 5th generation South Dakota cattle rancher Troy Hadrick is. Click on title above to see his vid and then go out and buy a couple of bottles of Yellow-Tail wine to celebrate the progress we are making in the animal rights / animal welfare world! Tell your animal loving friends to do the same: SUPPORT YELLOW-TAIL WINE!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
UK Horse Welfare Officer Investigates "Fat Horses" Complaint
Now there is a switch!
Click on title above to see article. When you open the link, page down to where it says;
"Revealed: A Day in the Life of a World Horse Welfare Field Officer"
Click on title above to see article. When you open the link, page down to where it says;
"Revealed: A Day in the Life of a World Horse Welfare Field Officer"
Friday, February 5, 2010
Post closed on prison rodeo shut down / publisher complaint
Post removed by blogger after publisher complaint
By James Beaty
The McAlester News-Capital
February 2, 2010
Contact James Beaty at
Rodeo Kills Animals. Don't Go..............................
Please help end animal abuse. Pass these videos on.
By James Beaty
The McAlester News-Capital
February 2, 2010
Contact James Beaty at
Rodeo Kills Animals. Don't Go..............................
Please help end animal abuse. Pass these videos on.
Animal-Kin Folk to be Sued by PetConnection?
I cross-posted a blurb from "PetConnection" about the AKC seeking to block Michael Vick from getting a "Courage" award,...(giving full credit to author and listing site of original post),...and someone reported me for copyright infringement (see message received below)…I will be very disappointed and am hoping it wasent PetConnection who reported me as I believe the idea in animal welfare and rescue is to GET THE WORD out, so cross-post may fall within the fair use act and I just might challange the challange; Please advise if it was NOT PetConnection who would stoop so low as to complain about a fellow animal-folk cross-posting a blurb FOR THE CAUSE
“…We have received a DMCA complaint for your blog, Animal-Kin-Folk-News. An e-mail with the details of the complaint was sent to you on Feb 4, 2010 , and we reset the post status to “Draft”; you can edit it here. You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed. If you believe you have the rights to post this content, you can file a counter-claim with us. For more on our DMCA policy, please click here. Thank you for your prompt attention….”
Comment by Chris Jubic — February 5, 2010 @ 4:45 am
Readers you can find the original article by clicking onto the title above;
“…We have received a DMCA complaint for your blog, Animal-Kin-Folk-News. An e-mail with the details of the complaint was sent to you on Feb 4, 2010 , and we reset the post status to “Draft”; you can edit it here. You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed. If you believe you have the rights to post this content, you can file a counter-claim with us. For more on our DMCA policy, please click here. Thank you for your prompt attention….”
Comment by Chris Jubic — February 5, 2010 @ 4:45 am
Readers you can find the original article by clicking onto the title above;
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Punxsutawney Phil Ill: Who Will Help Him?
Horsemeat Pie: The Secret to Colts Superbowl Success?

Someone sent this message and we couldn’t believe it so someone called the Road Kill Pizza company and sure enough, it is true.

We asked him where he was getting the meat (he described it as post mortem meat) and he said France. He said it is only for the Super Bowl. He said his Super Bowl pizzas are a predictor of the winner. Can they serve meat that isn’t USDA inspected???
Below is the info on the pizza. I didn’t ask the name of the person I spoke to but here is the number I called. I think they may have received a few calls because he didn’t answer the phone with the company name – I had to ask if it was Road Kill Pizza and he was quite enthusiastic about describing the pizza.

Road Pizza Company
Ira Scott, (219) 916-8402
Horse And Jambalaya Pizza Predicts Super Bowl Outcome
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 17:21 GMT
MERRILLVILLE, Ind. (Wireless Flash - FlashNews) – The fate of Super Bowl XLIV lies in one weird pizza pie.
Every year, Ira Scott of Road Kill Pizza company creates a special pizza representing the two teams playing in the Super Bowl.
This year’s pigskin pie will be topped with horse meat jerky on the Indianapolis Colts side and a cajun jambalaya mix of crawfish, shrimp, ham, chicken, and sausage on the New Orleans Saints side.
The wacky pie will be divided evenly down the middle by a cheesy “scrimmage line,” although one half has the edge.
Scott says the better-tasting side typically yields the winning team.
In this case, he thinks the horse meat – imported from France – tastes better than the jambalaya “mish- mash” so therefore the Colts will win the Super Bowl.
Scott adds, “The pizza is NEVER wrong.”
He used horse meat on the pizza in 2007 for Super Bowl XLI and the Colts came out victorious then, too.
Maybe someone should contact the Colts PR guy to let him know what a terrible idea this DOES NOT bode well for the Colts;
Once you open the link, it should open up on Blues page where you too can ask him a question.
Indiana Man Makes Worlds Strangest Pizzas;
China May Ban Cat & Dog Eating

China May Officially Ban Cats & Dogs from Menus
Dogs on their way to the butcher/Photo ReutersAfter more than 11 years of debate, the Chinese government has proposed a new animal protection law under which, at least officially, dogs and cats will no longer be allowed to be eaten.
The new law, if enacted, would forbid any form of animal abuse. The proposed law also specifically makes it illegal to buy, sell or eat dog and cat meat. Individuals who break the law would be fined 5,000RMB (about $730US) and face up to 15 days in jail. Moreover, restaurants could be fined up to 500,000RMB ($73,000US). It would also mean the shutdown of thousands of dog butchers and eateries. The law provides for a hotline to denounce violators.
Difficulties remain however as most Chinese have been unaccepting of animal protection laws. The Animal Protection Law Project recently conducted a four-month poll to test Chinese citizens' reaction to the proposed law. According to the organization, the results were not encouraging as the vast majority of those polled stated that they could not accept animal protection laws or animal welfare. One person responded: “Why isn't there a law to protect vegetables also? Rice eaters should be fined RMB 5,000 and go to jail for 15 days.”
Chinese have been eating dog meat, known as "fragrant meat", for thousand of years. In the North, where winters are bitterly cold, dog stew is a popular dish to warm a person. Meanwhile, cat meat has been increasing in popularity in the South, where a dish combining cat and snake meat (known as Dragon and Tiger in battle) is particularly popular.
Leading the charge against animal cruelty, and dog and cat meat eating, is a growing affluent middle-class which has begun to "own" pets. Protesters frequently picket markets selling dog meat. Nevertheless, Xin Chunying, Deputy Director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (The National People's Congress is China's central government. The Standing Committee is the de facto legislative body with constitutional authority to modify legislation), expressed doubts that any animal protection law was needed.
In a system which most often takes years to discuss and enact laws, there is no telling when the law will be enacted if ever.
For more info: Photo:; EcoStar Law,
Monday, February 1, 2010
In Wake of Threats, Johnny Weir Goes From Fox to Faux

FanHouse Newswire
Animal rights groups can leave Johnny Weir alone now.
Weir will replace the fox on his costume with faux fur after receiving "hate mail and death threats" from animal rights activists, agent Tara Modlin said Thursday.
"He's changing it because he needs to focus on skating," she said.
Friends of Animals posted an open letter to Weir after he added white fox fur to the left shoulder of his free skate costume for the U.S. Figure Skating Championships. On Tuesday, the animal advocacy group called his costume designer, Stephanie Handler, and faxed a press release about its open letter to her business.
Since then, Weir has heard from other anti-fur activists, Modlin said. Although People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals made its case in a professional manner, Modlin said others did not -- to the point she and Weir were concerned someone might disrupt his performances at the Vancouver Olympics.
Share Weir qualified for his second Olympic team by finishing third at nationals.
"I do not want something as silly as my costume disrupting my second Olympic experience and my chance at a medal, a dream I have had since I was a kid," Weir said in a statement, first published by
Priscilla Feral, president of Friends of Animals, said no one from the group had threatened Weir. She applauded Weir's decision.
"If he's made the smart decision I hoped he'd make, to shun the skins of animals and not decorate his costumes with them, that's a very good thing and I'm happy to hear it," Feral said.
Weir makes no secret of his love of fashion -- fur included -- and he's received letters and videos from PETA and other animal-rights advocates over the years. Although he respects their positions and is fully aware of how pelts are obtained, Weir has said wearing fur is a personal choice.
There are other causes that concern him more, he said, such as homelessness, soldiers dying and the devastation in Haiti.
"I hope these activists can understand that my decision to change my costume is in no way a victory for them, but a draw," Weir said in his statement. "I am not changing in order to appease them, but to protect my integrity and the integrity of the Olympic Games as well as my fellow competitors.
"Just weeks away from hitting my starting position on the ice in Vancouver, I have technique and training to worry about and that trumps any costume and any threat I may receive."
Click on title above to see THE TRUTH about the Fur-trade
Join Us in Albany, NY for Humane Lobby Day 2010
Join The Humane Society of the United States for New York Humane Lobby Day on Wednesday, March 24 in Albany, where you'll make a tremendous difference for animals.
Last week, ABC's Nightline exposed the cruel practice of tail docking of dairy cows at a New York factory farm. This is one of the issues you'll be lobbying on (and you can take action right now). Don't worry; we'll prep you beforehand with tips for lobbying and an overview of pending legislation to protect animals from puppy mills, captive hunts, animal fighting and factory farming.
We are chartering buses from Syracuse and New York City. Get more information and RSVP today;
Sign Up Now by clicking onto the title above;
Thanks for all you do for animals.
Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO
Last week, ABC's Nightline exposed the cruel practice of tail docking of dairy cows at a New York factory farm. This is one of the issues you'll be lobbying on (and you can take action right now). Don't worry; we'll prep you beforehand with tips for lobbying and an overview of pending legislation to protect animals from puppy mills, captive hunts, animal fighting and factory farming.
We are chartering buses from Syracuse and New York City. Get more information and RSVP today;
Sign Up Now by clicking onto the title above;
Thanks for all you do for animals.
Wayne Pacelle, President & CEO
AVMA Blocks Investigation
Click on title above for article
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